After putting out a news release last month implying the utility supported a 20-year hold harmless period from new rates for rooftop solar customers and then presenting a filing that essentially argued that regulators should not do so, NV Energy has filed supplemental testimony indicating it backs the long grace period.
NV Energy executive Shawn Elicegui (see the submitted testimony below) explicitly recommends in testimony filed Friday the 20-year grandfathering for those who had solar panels as of Sept. 10. After getting the headline it wanted last month, a reaction to a pummeling by the solar industry, the utility turned around and filed with the PUC, proposing many tiers and indicating the 20 years was the least meritorious (because it would cost the most to other ratepayers, it argued).
The heat came down again, including from SunRun's Bryan Miller, who scorched the utility on "Ralston Live" this week for what he called a "bait and switch." Now we have NV Energy's final answer, I think.
After putting out a news release last month implying the utility supported a 20-year hold harmless period from new rates for rooftop solar customers and then presenting a filing that essentially argued that regulators should not do so, NV Energy has filed supplemental testimony indicating it backs the long grace period.
NV Energy executive Shawn Elicegui (see the submitted testimony below) explicitly recommends in testimony filed Friday the 20-year grandfathering for those who had solar panels as of Sept. 10. After getting the headline it wanted last month, a reaction to a pummeling by the solar industry, the utility turned around and filed with the PUC, proposing many tiers and indicating the 20 years was the least meritorious (because it would cost the most to other ratepayers, it argued).
The heat came down again, including from SunRun's Bryan Miller, who scorched the utility on "Ralston Live" this week for what he called a "bait and switch." Now we have NV Energy's final answer, I think.
The hearing is Monday.
NPC-SPPC - Elicegui Supplemental Rebuttal 02.05.16 by Jon Ralston