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WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week. 3. Harvey Munford may not have been a great legislator but he was a good man. How many people up there can you say you really LIKE? How many do you like AND think they are good at the job? I don't expect you to name names but what is the percentage? And whatever your answer, why is it that way and what does it say about our state...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week. 3. What is the biggest problem facing Nevada as the year comes to an end? Explain why? 4. Odds of the Culinary actually striking? How does this brinkmanship affect future labor-management relations and does it affect the political dynamic for the Culinary going forward? Or is this the same movie we have seen over and over, with...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week. 3. Your take on what the gov is doing with the public option: Nothingburger? Attempt to make it better? Attempt to gut? Attempt to pander to special interests?  4. Could John Lee beat Steven Horsford? Most meager response ever from the insiders, which must be attributable to my poor questions, too much football or…something...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week. 3. What do you make of the GSR/arena project in Reno? Lot of money, can it work there? 4. Odds of Culinary strike? Why? 5. Saddest political move of the week -- rank them: Amodei votes to cut Ukraine funding NSEA protests A's lawsuit on referendum Rosen calls on Menendez to resign Something I missed? Good stuff from the insiders...